- Mechanical, Rotating, Construction
- Operators, Technicians, Maintenance Personnel who involved in installation,
- testing, and maintenance of diesel engine system
- Experienced professionals who want to refresh or broaden their knowledge of diesel engine
- Sound understanding of diesel engine components and functions
- Familiar with diesel engine measurement, such as: efficiency, torque, speed, power and more
- Significantly improve your understanding of combustion system
- Develop troubleshooting skills, repairs and maintenance know-how
- Proper understanding of diesel engine operation
1. Basic knowledge engine
- Four-Stroke and Two-Stroke
- Diesel versus Gasoline engine
- Power Cycle of Diesel engine
2. Construction
- Block assembly
- Cylinder head
- Gear train
3. Engine system
a. Intake and exhaust system
- Supercharger
- Turbocharger
b. Cooling system
- Component of cooling system
- Type of cooling system
c. Fuel system
- Combustion chamber
- Direct and non direct injection
- Electronic injection System
- Governor
d. Lubrication System
- Components of lubrication system
- Function of lubrication
- Characteristic of oil lubrication
- Classification of lubrication
- Selection of oil lubrication
e. Starting system
- Electrical starting system
- Air starting system
4. Combustion
- Injection & rpm engine
- Ratio: fuel and air ratio
- Compression Ratio
5. Fuel
- Kerosene, coal and alcohol
- Biodiesel ahan
- Gas
- Spesification of fuel
6. Characteristc of diesel engine
7. Diesel Aplication in Industry
8. Maintenance
9. Troubleshooting
Durasi : 5 Hari
Jadwal Pelatihan
- 9-13 Januari 2017
- 6-10 Febuari 2017
- 6-10 Maret 2017
- 10-15 April 2017
- 15-19 Mei 2017
- 10-14 Juli 2017
- 7-11 Agustus 2017
- 11-15 September 2017
- 9-13 Oktober 2017
- 6-10 November 2017
- 18-22 Desember 2017
Waktu & Tempat Pelatihan
Waktu : 08.00 – 16.00
Tempat : Hotel Golden Flower, Jl. Asia Afrika 15 – 17 Bandung
Informasi & Pendaftaran
CP. Eva / Nisa / Rosma
Ph. 021. 47865925, 47861912, 4715699, 47882387, 47882794, 4891409
Fax. 021. 47865925 Email. upaya-riksa@centrin.net.id