Safety Audit Training
To provide participants with the basic working knowledge/skill to prepare, implementation and reporting safety audit thoroughly.
On Completion of this course the trainees will :
- Understand the purpose and benefit of safety audit to improve company performance
- Understand the concepts of safety audit
- Be able to prepare safety audit, find fact/evidence, evaluating/analyzing data and develop audit written report.
Course Outline
- Legislation requirement the purpose and benefit of safety audit to improve company performance.
- Definition of Management OSH Audit
- The management role of audit; Accountability of Audit
- Audit Preparation
- The implementation of Audit
- Fact/Evidence Finding & Analysis
- Audit Reporting System
- Discussion/ Case Study
Who should Attend
All staff and supervisory positions, manager, superintendent, safety officer, etc.
HSE Proffesional
Training Schedule
- 10-11 Januari 2017
- 6-7 Febuari 2017
- 8-9 Maret 2017
- 10-11 April 2017
- 8-9 Mei 2017
- 10-11 Juli 2017
- 7-8 Agustus 2017
- 11-12 September 2017
- 9-10 Oktober 2017
- 8-9 November 2017
- 11-12 Desember 2017
Time & Venue
Time : 08.00 – 16.00
Venue : Training Center PT. Upaya Riksa Patra, Jl. Pondasi No. 33 E, Kampung Ambon – Jakarta Timur
Informasi & Pendaftaran
Ph. 021. 4715699, 47882387, 47861912, 47865925, 47882794, 4891409
Fax. 021.47865925 Email.
CP : Eva / Nisa / Rosma