K3 Emergency Response Plan

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This training demonstrates Emergency Response Plan and Procedures that are both practical and flexible as well as being easy to understand. A critical accident is usually unforseen and most often has to be dealt with using limited, or inadeqate resources. Most office factories/offices already have plans in place to deal with a critical accident, however it is common that when an actual critical accident occurs, nobody knows how the plan should be implemented. An emergency response plan can sometimes sadly be a document that simply sits on a shelf in an office. Emergencies in the factory/office present unique planning and response strategies. A key to safety for those who work in these special structures is to practice specific factory/office safety and prevention behaviors.


By its nature, an emergency is unpredictable . Because this unpredicatability it it is vital that an organization be prepared to respond. Participants will learn how to react during and after an emergency safely and effectively.



  • Possible Critical Accidents – Worst Case Scenario
  • Hazards Assessment
  • Emergency Response Plan
  • Incident Command System
  • Emergency Response Drill
  • Emergency Response Procedures


Lecture, interactive participation, group discussion, video, table top drills.


Hands-on experiences with more than 20 years in health, safety, environment and productivity fields , ranging from mining, oil and gas, petrochemical, and manufacturing.


Further Information
PT. Upaya Riksa Patra
Ph. 021. 4715699, 47882387, 47861912, 47865925, 47882794, 4891409
WhatsApp. 0811-1872-008, 0856-9262-0807, 0821-1139-7230, 0813-8154-4831
Email. upaya-riksa@centrin.net.id
Cp. Eva/Nisa/Rosma